יום שלישי, 10 במרץ 2009

Authoritarian theory

According to McQuail, through the normative theory, the linkage between society and the media is presented with explanation of how the media is required to present itself. One of the main problematic features with this is with the numerous sources of media, and its concentrated ownership, the information and opinions are reduced. Before South Africa entered a new democratic era, during the Aparthied era, British colonialists first imported the concept of free speech, but this was not really the case. Free speech was only allowed when exalting the Apartheid regime. Anyone who tried to oppose this was usually brought to the supreme court (government controlled by the Apartheid) and given an exaggerated sentence, example: Nelson Mandela imprisoned on Robben Island for eighteen years, or "dealt with" and never seen again. This coincides with the Authoritarian theory which talks about the press being subordinate to the goverment and the ruling party